Asterix End Symposium - 18 & 19 September, Zaandam (the Netherlands)

Asterix is in its final year and is currently busy organising its final symposium .
This symposium will take place in the Inntel Hotel in Zaandam, the Netherlands on Monday September 18 and Tuesday September 19 – Please Save the Dates!
The symposium aims at a wide audience: statistician and (clinical) researchers, patient representatives and all others interested in new methodology for clinical trials for rare diseases.
Key topics for studies in small populations like the framework to cluster diseases, novel approaches to randomization, sequential designs, multiple endpoints, meta-analyses and Goal Attainment Scaling will be presented by examples and explanations in common, non-technical language. Special attention is dedicated to patient involvement in general and the Patient Think Tank.
Additional information can be found at the Agenda or please look at the flyer.