Asterix present at the ISCB 2015

Asterix present at the ISCB 2015
This year the 36th ISCB took place in Utrecht from August 23 to 27 with more than 700 delegates. One of the main themes this year was Statistical methodology for clinical research in rare diseases.
In a dedicated section on this topic, the principal investigators from the three FP7 projects Asterix (Kit Roes) IDeAl (Ralph-Dieter Hilgers) and InSPiRe (Nigel Stallard) explained the scope and setting of each of these projects. A number of researchers from our Asterix project participated: some of them were even part of the local organizing committee while others provided progress of their research by means of an oral presentation or presenting an electronic poster. The presentations and poster can be found on the ISCB2015 website and on our website at the Results section.
During the conference on Tuesday evening a social informal drink was organised in the city center of Utrecht for all researchers of the three projects Asterix, IDeAl and and InSPiRe to meet and interact.
Next year the 36th ISCB meeting will take place in Birmingham and statistical methodology for clinical studies in rare diseases will be on the agenda.
A selection of manuscripts presented at the ISCB 215 will be published in a special issue of the Biometrical Journal “Clinical Research Design, Rare Diseases and Personalised Medicine“