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ASTERIX project meeting October 2016


The 7th ASTERIX project meeting took place in Utrecht from the 5th until the 7th of October.

The main focus of this project meeting was different from all previous project meetings. Where previous project meetings were discussing the progress of the project, presenting scientific results and suggesting new ideas for further research, this meeting was focused with the end in mind: the Asterix project will end October 2017. The main aim was to plan for the path to final recommendations.

Wednesday started with a poster sessions showing the progress and status of the topics for each of the Work Packages. On Thursday these poster overviews were used as starting point for the discussions on the path to recommendations. In a structured way, Asterix research topics were discussed, like Goal Attainment Scaling, multiple endpoints, randomization, patient involvement, registers, adaptive trials, meta-analysis, new evidence standards and historical controls. For each of these topics the deliverables, the potential gaps, the next steps and task assignments were identified. Representatives of the Patient Think Tank participated in all these discussions. A nice diner in walking distance from the hotel concluded an intense interactive project day.


On Friday, the Advisory Board, Ethics Advisory Board and the Patient Think Tank joined the project meeting, and shared their views on the progress so far and the most important steps for the year to come. They were updated on the project in a highly interactive fashion, with many of the researchers participating in the discussion with Board members. The Boards were  complimentary on the achievements and the potential impact of Asterix. Their valuable insight in the topics and their clear suggestions for the coming year and beyond were stimulating and inspiring for all Asterix researchers to continue our great research with the end in mind, i.e. to translate our results in valuable recommendations.