Susanne Urach receives Award at the JSM in Chicago, USA

The Honarable Mention for 2016 Biopharmaceutical Section Student Paper Award was presented to Susanne Urach at the 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, USA by Richard McNally at the Biopharmaceutical Section Business meeting. Susanne Urach received this price for her paper "Multi-arm Group Sequential Designs with a Simultaneous Stopping Rule" that was recently accepted for publication in Statistics in Medicine and that she will present at JSM. In this work an improved group sequential Dunnett test for multi-arm clinical trials is developed. It controls the familywise error rate if a stopping rule is used such that the trial is stopped as soon as one of the experimental treatment arms is shown to be superior to the control.
This work has been performed within the ASTERIX Project
Urach, S and Posch M. Multi-arm Group Sequential Designs with a Simultaneous Stopping Rule. Statistics in Medicine (to appear)